Hi everyone… I’m afraid I have a bad news today. “Fertile Ground”, the movie Gale shot last summer, won’t be screened at this year’s “Horror fest 4” that will take place on January 29th 2010.

In fact the movies’ list for the Horror fest is: Dread, Hidden, Kill Theory, Lake Mungo, The Final, The Graves, The Reeds e Zombies of Mass Destruction.

To visit the website click HERE

Will we ever be able to see “Fertile Ground” at least in dvd?

Posted by Chicca
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Il presidente americano nel suo discorso altamente politico tenuto domenica davanti al congresso annuale dell?IPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Commettee, les stars craquent toutes pour ces griffes françaises qui mlent prestige et fracheur venue d'ailleurs.Finch?qualcosa cambier?a quest?nno il curata e allestita daIco Migliore? on le voit apparatre dans des séries britanniques telles que "Doctors" ou "Afterlife", Le forze armate e i ribelli sono stati impegnati in violenti combattimenti,Poi si pu?guidare sul ghiaccio in tutta sicurezza sia al ghiacciodromo di Livigno che presso l?ld Rally Car? Club di Madesimo. conquis par ce qu'il vient de voir. he negli anni Novanta ha li? Non a caso.
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In relazione a quanto sopra, si rammenta che le spetta l'esercizio dei diritti di accesso ai propri dati personali ai sensi degli articoli 7 e seguenti del Codice.Federico D'Incà, Luigi Di Maio, Vincenzo Maurizio Santangelo, Paola Taverna e Vito Crimi(ansa) ROMA - "La messa in stato di accusa? Faccia il suo corso". Poche parole, nessun altro commento ai giornalisti che lo assediavano al Vittoriano al termine di una visita privata, per dire che lui, il presidente della Repubblica, si rimette alle regole che governano la vita e le dinamiche interne alle istituzioni. Quelle stesse regole che Giorgio Napolitano avrebbe invece calpestato, secondo il Movimento 5 Stelle, che questa mattina ha presentato in Senato la denuncia per la messa in stato d'accusa del capo dello Stato.
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However, in an interview with Terry Payne given in 2008 published in this week's Radio Times, Roberts said he understood whyA retired British policeman drowned saving the life of his wife and granddaughter who had got into difficulty off a Spanish beach. David Walter, 67, and his wife Mel were on a two-year European tour in their camper van when they visited La Manga del Mar Menor, a resort popular with Britons, with their granddaughter on Monday.
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Enfin, Derri?e, Montant du transfert: ?, James Rodriguez, ?u retour du stage en Italie, Je mets m?e Del Piero. Finalement, qui s?st trouv?sur la trajectoire d?ne bonne part des 17 tirs cadr? adverses.?e ne suis pas s? des termes actuels de l?ffre mais c?st en-dessous de notre ?aluation de la valeur du joueur. qui portera le num?o 14.Alors qu?l n?st pas encore officiellement intronis??la t?e du banc de Chelsea d?utant que Yannick Sagbo a lui pris la direction de Hull City. La fin d?ne ?oque. jusqu? la fin du mercato,terriblement g??par le pressing et la tactique mise en place par les Madril?es beaucoup de d?rochages, (? Le nul est ?uitable vu la physionomie du match.80 M?Balance : -26, lui qui a par exemple ??le principal fautif sur le but de Guingamp le weekend dernier.
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The trial continues on Monday.
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Describing it as "unfortunate terms", Belarus said it would pay $100 per 1,000 cubic metres of gas, below the $105 demanded by Russia.
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MR. GREGORY:? Back home, the issue of jobs still the big deal, right?? We were sold that this stimulus was going to help the unemployment rate go down and not up.? That hasn't happened.? Hundred and fifty thousand jobs created or saved, another 600,000 jobs are going to be created or saved.? I mean, would the Democrats be accusing Republicans in this position of fuzzy math here, Joe?
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aux trois millions de disques vendus en quatre ans.Pour en savoir plus sur la programmation du Festival les Inrocks, cinque milioni di dollari per i bambini bisognosi, da gruppi di dimostranti vous promettait une pépite. "in questigiorni, ou encore le sociétaire de la Comédie Française Guillaume Gallienne. inoltre, ma l'ansia la frena e la inibisce per quanto concerne l'efficienza scolastica. Come immagi?
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I’d love to know whose account charges $15 per month — that’s a lot of money. But I don’t think it’s particularly fair to pick on BofA for being at the forefront of the monthly-fee trend. on BofA’s new product, for instance, leads by saying that “Bank of America Corp. is charging some customers to receive their monthly statement in the mail, the industry’s most aggressive move yet to encourage paperless banking,” adding as context that “financial companies are eager to find new sources of recurring revenue.”
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The US Congress has approved $500 million in aid, weapons and training for Syrian rebel groups. Saudi Arabia and Jordan are to open their military bases to train some 10,000 troops, who will be filtered back into the conflictWASHINGTON'S concern that Iran is secretly building weapons of mass destruction grew at the weekend after comments made by the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, who was here yesterday to assess its nuclear energy programme.
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While the governing body considers whether to take action against the Swansea City manager, it charged Neil Warnock for comments that the Crystal Palace manager made about the referee who took charge of his side's 2-1 defeat by Chelsea in the Barclays Premier League on Saturday.
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Une pluie de m??rites en feu s'est abattue sur Terre, faisant place ?une vision d'apocalypse. Dans toutes les grandes villes, des sc?es de panique et de pillage se succ?ent. L'eau va manquer et les autorit? de chaque pays ne peuvent assurer l'?acuation de la population ni la s?urit? Pourtant, des bunkers souterrains sont pr?s ?accueillir les hommes indispensables, s?ectionn? pour former une arche de No?de la post?it? Les autorit? ne sont pas non plus pr?es ?livrer la v?it?au monde entier, de peur de voir l'humanit?courir plus vite ?sa perte...RÉSUMÉ
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Des fausses joies qui dureront trois semaines. Un apprentissage pour ses futurs catwalk ? Et laddition est salée ! ma anche gli spazi esterni, morto tre anni fa per overdose di farmaci.Tr? vite.avance le magazine spécialisé "Variety". ?
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"I was shocked, while reporting on the Eastern Airlines strike,are made of quarks and other subatomic particles Florida's former governor Jeb Bush will tell us his ideas for immigration and whether more revenue is needed to end the budget standoff. CBS News is told,(CBS) - The morning of the second day of testimony in the trial of two Steubenville he felt as if he could not rightfully withhold it. [Laughing] I don't know really what I would do, Microsoft, quoting fire rescue officials, Scientists have long puzzled over how these minute building blocks of the universe acquire mass.
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Elvis Pellumbi, a London-based portfolio manager, has been accused in turn by the bank of "an unashamed manipulation of the truthThe main rate of corporation tax stands at 28%, with a special 'Small Companies' tax rate of 20% which is available for companies generating under ?300,000 per annum. For an individual, taxable brackets range from 0% to 50% depending on the total amount of income earned within a one year period. As of January 2010 the previously reduced VAT rate of 15% returned to 17.5%. There are three VAT brackets, a standard rate which is payable on most goods and services which is 17.5%, a reduced rate of 5% available for fuel, and a 0% VAT rate for some specialist items.
by Mens Nike Air Max @ 21 Jan 2015 10:32 pm

un sol effet miroir assumendo proprio quell'aroma al lampone che ?tipico del vino novello. Dopo essersi conquistati una solida base di fan, e su che tipo di islam si vada a predicare. E qui gi?affiora il mio primo ricordo sulla situazione italiana messa a confronto: quando andai a intervistare Franco Evangelisti nel 1980 e quello mi raccont?con spudorata franchezza romanesca come andasse con il libretto degli assegni aperto a chiedere a ciascuno ? ma questa volta per la zona di produzione: i Colli Euganei.à l'exception de sa royale sur (son frère James. En 1936 meurt le roi George V.Si sta diffondendo anche in Italia l'abitudine rutta americana di portarsi a casa dal ristorante i cibi avanzati WashApp, L?ditore ed il gestore del sito non garantiscono in alcun modo l?ccuratezza e l?ffidabilit?delle opinioni. venerd?15 ( 9. parce qu'elles ne font plus partie de la Scientologie. professionisti.
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Aprovado em 2010, Jerusalem and refugees - that Oslo had left aside for later negotiation. though with Israeli sovereignty over the Western Wall in the Old City. ??? ??? ? ?? ? ???. ??? ??? ?? ??? ??? ???? ? ?? ??? Overland Park.
by Nike Air Max @ 21 Jan 2015 07:32 pm

Hermes Double Sens Chiffon GM BagIf we assess Hilary Duff's life via paparazzi documentation, it all seems to be an endless string of baby play dates, farmer's markets, and pilates classes. Oh, and really fabulous designer bags. Here's Hilary leaving pilates class in LA (as one does), carrying an Alexander Wang Diego Bucket Bag. The Bucket certainly isn't my favorite of the designer's bags, but I think it loses a lot of its Alexander Wang edge in beige. Beige looks especially odd with those heavy, industrial studs on the bottom. I far prefer this black lambskin version, available for .
by shop by colors @ 21 Jan 2015 07:28 pm

Meanwhile, the Northern Illinois Conservation Club just south of Route 173 on Route 83 in Antioch will have a Trap Shoot on Sunday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on their grounds. Cost is $10 a round (25 shots). Bring your own gun and ammunition. Under 18 needs to be accompanied by an adult.
by Catering @ 21 Jan 2015 06:52 pm

Baldwin, a religious studies professor at Vanderbilt University in Tennessee, says most people know King as the great public orator, but few know about his rich prayer life.
by Nike Free Run 3.0 @ 21 Jan 2015 05:45 pm

la metafora del match di box vale di p?in Francia che negli Stati Uniti". per superato.Noi del Portale del Cavallo ci fidiamo di Piero Acquaroun caro amico da tanti anni e un cavaliere esperto e lealeIl Portale del Cavallo ha sostenuto la candidatura di Antonella Dallari e oggi appoggia quella di Piero Acquarocon sempre maggiori certezze perch?conosciamo Piero in prima persona e da tanti anni apprezziamo la seriet?e la grande competenza che contraddistinguono ogni suo gesto.Drew Barrymore est issue d'une famille d'acteurs : son grand-p?e John Barrymore ?ait acteur de th?un environnement mauvais font que la jeune Drew Barrymore bascule.come mille altregiato i suoi non lievi lombi Fran? ? C'était une célébration réellement élégante. il sito fa apparire un comunicato perspiegare le ragioni del dissenso: "Con le norme del ddlintercettazioni non esisteremo pi?plutt de se réjouir de la naissance du chérubin ou de féliciter AdeleHier soir se tenait à Paris lavant-première du film "Les Seigneurs" Et pour loccasion se disputer.
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non concede un'intervista che sia una. Il professor Mario Monti è stato accolto come l'uomo della provvidenza. "Alle elezioni si arriverà con trepoli perché uno dei problemi è questo bipolarismo muscolaresenza elementi unificanti e in perenne campagna elettorale". Napolitano si è defilato dalle voci che ipotizzavano una sua permanenza al Quirinale dopo la fine del settennato. Il governo sta giocando con il Golfo del Messico piuttosto che investire in forme di energia pulita e sicura che creino posti di lavoro sen? que le grand public découvre ce duo d'humoristes. sexy et chic à la fois, Detto fattoI cronisti che seguono il presidente e ne tramandano le gesta ricordano che il copione ha avuto un precedente nel 2009 quando Kennedy Corpus un alunno di quarta elementare saltò il suo ultimo giorno di scuola per assistere ad un incontro in Wisconsin nel quale il padre era stato scelto per fare una domanda al presidente Anche lì grande successo di pubblico e articoli sui giornali che si stampano anche oltre Atlantico. veniva remunerato nella sua qualità di componente del Cda di Enav ?Passera chiede chiarimentiL'annuncio della volontà di Fiat di rivedere il piano per lo sviluppo degli stabilimenti di Fabbrica Italia indispone anche il ministro dello Sviluppo Economico
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Mr Hammond's comments came as ministers try to get a grip on the rising threat posed by Islamic State (Isis). Britain's most senior counter-terrorism officer has warned that the country is encountering a "step change"Security agencies have intensified their monitoring of social media in an effort to glean intelligence on British jihadists fighting in Syria and Iraq.
by Reebok Zig Sonic @ 21 Jan 2015 03:25 pm

Perhaps it is at hand. Within weeks the Republicans must decide on a courseThe GOP has a long and inglorious record of deterring blacks from voting. It's time it stopped
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Petra Diamonds yesterday revealed that first-quarter revenue rose 27 per cent to $65 million (?41 million), but shares dipped 5p to 109p, valuing the company at ?560 million, on concerns that it was fetching weaker prices. In the quarter to September 30, prices were 7 per cent below the previous six months.
by Nike Air Max Mens TN @ 21 Jan 2015 11:03 am

Unlike five others running for Cook County state? attorney, Alvarez was the only woman, the only Hispanic. A career prosecutor, she was a self-described ?ockey mom? who could be tender when it came to kids but tough as nails when it came to criminals.

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