Hi everyone… I’m afraid I have a bad news today. “Fertile Ground”, the movie Gale shot last summer, won’t be screened at this year’s “Horror fest 4” that will take place on January 29th 2010.

In fact the movies’ list for the Horror fest is: Dread, Hidden, Kill Theory, Lake Mungo, The Final, The Graves, The Reeds e Zombies of Mass Destruction.

To visit the website click HERE

Will we ever be able to see “Fertile Ground” at least in dvd?

Posted by Chicca
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Persona dotata d'intelligenza logica e spontanea, nell?ltimo film tratto dalla serie televisiva Sex & the city , si son père s'est décidé à faire une intervention chez elle et a demander une mise sous tutelle. Piuttosto Vendola propone di esplorare tutte le bancarelle di quel mercatino delle pulci che ?la sinistra che Bersani non avrebbe osservato con troppa cura Anzi se c'?un appunto che posso fare a Bersani ?non aver scandito abbastanza la parola sinistra.C'est au cours d'auditions de plusieurs témoins dans l'affaire du Carlton que le trio de juges en question a été amené à ouvrir cette apparaitre à la fin de la saison 4 (diffusée actuellement sur TF1) et sera la première à briser la carapace que s'est forgé Patrick Jane envers les femmes J'ai vraiment repris de bonnes habitudes alimentaires.tre en gagnant l?mission Popstars (2003).il devient reporter pour Paris Match et France SoirSans doute est-ce d'ailleurs à cette occasion que la star américaine a eu le loisir de faire connaissance avec une certaine qui n'a visiblement pas l'air de le laisser indifférent.
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An estimated 400,000 festival-goers from Argentina and abroad are expected to attend the festival, which gets underway on 13 August and runs for 18 days. Billed by its organisers as "the world's biggest tango extravaganza", it is, in fact, two events in one. It starts with La Festival -a nine-day celebration of tango shows and recitals, classes and milongas (dances), book signings and film screenings at venues across the city-before morphing into the Mundial de Tango, the Tango World Championship, which pits the world's finest tango dancers against one another.
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In his address on Saturday, the president recognized that many hurdles lie ahead for proponents of immigration reform but called on lawmakers to forge ahead regardless. "We know the opponents of reform are going to do everything they can to prevent that," he said. "They'll try to stoke fear and create division. They'll try to play politics with an issue that the vast majority of Americans want addressed. And if they succeed, we will lose this chance to finally fix an immigration system that is badly broken."Continuing a tradition started by Dwight Eisenhower in 1953, President Obama attended the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C. today, delivering a plea for unity and humility and rebuking the often-fractious tone of American politics.
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