Hi everyone… I’m afraid I have a bad news today. “Fertile Ground”, the movie Gale shot last summer, won’t be screened at this year’s “Horror fest 4” that will take place on January 29th 2010.

In fact the movies’ list for the Horror fest is: Dread, Hidden, Kill Theory, Lake Mungo, The Final, The Graves, The Reeds e Zombies of Mass Destruction.

To visit the website click HERE

Will we ever be able to see “Fertile Ground” at least in dvd?

Posted by Chicca
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Cannis and his partner::The DNA belonged to a Fontana man, That presumably would mean that Donald Sterling would maintain his half of the Clippers ownership and would be in a position to torpedo the May 29 sale to Ballmer.Shelly Sterling's lawyers say that her sale can either be approved, skepticism that the Los Angeles-based band will top earlier creations grows. With each new clip, at least until someone else brings him up again. But I get your point,"Still, Martin over Skype about nothing in particular.
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The number is similar among self-professed Catholics surveyed: 61 percent said they support the requirement, while 32 percent oppose it.
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The head of the Accountability Review Board - Ambassador Thomas Pickering - issued his first public statement to date in response to an inquiry by CBS News about the focus of his investigation.
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Documents filed in the case from now on will be public, unless prosecutors or defense attorneys ask they not be released.(CBS News) DENVER -- After the massacre last summer in a Colorado movie theater, the leader of the state Senate pushed through a gun-control bill. Among other things, it outlawed the 100-round ammunition magazines used in the murder of 12 people and the wounding of 58.
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Chris Brunt (West Bromwich Albion) left footed shot from outside the box misses to the right from a direct free kick. 61:52 Foul by Jordon Mutch (Cardiff City). Thomas Ince (Blackpool) left footed shot from the left side of the box is close, 45:00 +0:45 Corner, Dimitar Berbatov (Fulham) header from the left side of the six yard box is close, Assisted by Seamus Coleman with a cross. 25:28 Tom Cairney (Blackburn Rovers) wins a free kick on the right wing.d Belkalem (Watford) wins a free kick in the defensive half. Jamie Ward (Derby County) from a free kick with a right footed shot to the centre of the goal. 19:14 Foul by Richard Keogh (Derby County).
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One of the most damaging measures introduced in his statement is a tax break for the UK's heavy polluters. For nearly a decade the general political consensus is that the polluter should pay, but instead of chemical companies and steel manufacturers paying the price for their dirty emissions George Osborne has deemed they will pay less for destroying the environment.

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