Hello everyone and happy thursday! Today is a very important one for me... Five years ago I posted my first entry on this website and it seems almost impossible! I've never been this dedicated... never!
Like I said last year, I met a lot of wonderful people that I love so much now. Along with the ones who were there since the beginning, and that I hope will always be here, now there are new people that I was so lucky to meet and to whom I feel very close now.

My affection for Gale and the respect I feel for him as an actor and as a person are always the same. I believe they'll never change.

During these years lots of things happened, some good, some not so much.. but I'm still here and I hope you'll want to stick with me for a while still. I want to thank EVERYONE for their support, their help and their wonderful comments and appreciation for what I do every day since day one.
Thank you for the friendship, the compliments and for the credits you choose to give me.
Simply put it... THANK YOU! Thanks for everything.

Click HERE for bigger.

With the occasion, let me remind you that soon Gale will be again on "The Sheena Metal Show." He's scheduled to take part to one of her shows on the radio on March/April so I guess we could say it's almost time!

(THANK YOU Chicca for this translation!)

Posted by Marcy
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