Thanks to

"Charles Meade

(Played by Gale Harold, Queer as Folk)

Diana's father makes one of the best entrances in recent TV history when he slowly approaches the house Cassie's mom is in and uses but a few matches to turn it into a raging inferno -- effectively setting in motion a series of events that will bring new power to not just the Chance Harbor teens, but apparently Charles and Dawn as well. "Our circle is gone," Harold notes. "So it will be interesting to see how they are planning on using their children to sort of reanimate all that."

Harold's fervent wish for Charles moving forward, after arriving in such epic style? "I'm hoping that he goes so dark that to cover his tracks he has to be even more charming. That would be the fun part, to do some really, really horrible things.""

The Secret Circle: Your Guide to Which Witch Is Which – and Their Secrets!

Posted by Trish
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