We heard about a website promoting and selling tickets for an Italian convention about QaF. We would like to inform you all that we are NOT involved in any way, that this event is NOT approved by the actors and that NONE of the actors are planning to attend a convention that should take place in Italy in September of this year. As you will read below, everything we're saying here has been confirmed by Scott Lowell on his Facebook page!!

Scott Lowell himself gave us the permission to quote his post:

"So it has come to my attention that a website for yet ANOTHER QAF Convention has popped up claiming that some or all of the cast will be appearing in Italy in September of this year. While we LOVE our Italian fans and are very flattered that fans would want a second European Convention we have made no such agreement with the organizers of this event and, in fact, the only convention the cast of QAF will be appearing at in 2012 will be in Cologne, Germany this June. But don't worry Italy (or any other country that would like to host a QAF event) 2013 is WIDE open and we'd love to come see you!! :0)"

..then Scott added:

"Well, ******* they may be having a convention in September but none of us will be there. That's reality."

Thanks to Scott for his kindness!

Posted by Staff
by neverwinter ad @ 09 Jun 2013 02:50 am

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