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by: Felicity 08 Dec 2015 11:48 pm

Since they started talking about Andron-The Black Labyrinth, the film's synopsis has always been kind of a mystery. Very few words described the rather intriguing story and left us in the dark!
Today, while surfing the net, we noticed a longer synopsis on the film's official page on AMBI Distribution's website. A few more clues...

"In the year 2154, a group of young men and women awake in a dark claustrophobic maze. They don't remember who they are or how they got stuck in the Black Labyrinth of ANDRON. The group must learn to decipher codes, understand the signals and beat the tests in this mysterious and bizarre place. Out of necessity they struggle to form a bond to survive, while the outside world watches and wagers on their fate."

Source: AMBI Distribution


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