Desperate Housewives (2008)

Season 5 - episode 01

Aired: September, 28 2008
Title: You're gonna love tomorrow
Written by: Francesca
Edited by: Marcy
Screencaps: Marcy

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After they were involved in a terrible accident, that claimed the lives of a mother and her daughter,Susan and Mike broke up. Susan is now seeing another man, a painter named Jackson (Gale Harold).

Susan and Jackson are in bed together, having just had sex. They both agree that it was amazing but Susan immediately gets off the bed and throws Jackson his pants, asking him to leave. Jackson argues, saying he’d like to meet Susan’s friends and her son but Susan tells him she’s not ready for that yet.

Later in the episode, Susan comes home with the groceries and Jackson is there painting her kitchen. He tells her to be in “the mood for something hot” and takes off his coveralls; Susan and Jackson are kissing each other when Lynette comes over and Jackson is forced to sneak out of the window so that Lynette doesn’t see him. He's obviously still in his boxers so Susan hugs awkwardly Lynette and throws Jackson his coveralls from the window… but not before Bob and Lee, Susan's gay neighbours, are able to take a pic of half-naked Jackson.

Once Lynette leaves, Jackson comes back inside Susan’s house and she lays down some rules: no sex except in the bedroom being one of them. Jackson says he could accept the rules if he understood them, is Susan ashamed of him? Susan dodges the questions.

That evening Susan goes to the Welcome back party she and her friends are throwing for Edie and Jackson surprises her by going up on stage and singing "I want to be your boyfriend" by Ramones. Susan stops him by cutting off the power in the Scavo's pizzeria and then she takes Jackson out and asks him to leave her alone. Jackson tells her he promises to make her happy if only she would give him a chance, but Susan says she doesn't deserve to be happy and tells Jackson all about the accident. After that the power returns in the pizzeria and Susan goes back inside while Jackson leaves.

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