Desperate Housewives (2008)

Season 5 - episode 02

Aired: October 5th, 2008
Title: We're so happy, you're so happy
Written by: Francesca
Edited by: Marcy
Screencaps: Marcy

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Jackson and Susan are sleeping together. Jackson, whose last name is Braddock, is the first one to get up, turn on the coffee pot and then go outside to retrieve the paper. He’s wearing only a robe, and not a very long one. While he’s outside of Susan’s house, Mike shows up and asks where’s Susan. Jackson and Mike talk for a while and make the presentations; Jackson jokes that the situation is really awkward… and it becomes even more awkward when his robe falls open.

Meanwhile, Susan wakes up when she hears voices and, looking outside her window, she sees Mike and Jackson talking. She panics and rushes downstairs and then outside. Mike tells Susan he wants to take Jackson out to know him better and, when Susan objects, he tells her it’s his right to know who’s around his son. Susan is forced to accept, so she gets back inside and tells Jackson about it. And then asks him about the paper. So Jackson goes back outside to retrieve it and… MJ comes home demanding to know who he is.

Later Susan goes through Jackson’s shirts to help him found an appropriate one and gives him a list of accepted topics of conversations: sports for example. Jackson says he’s a huge soccer fan but Susan insists he has to be a football fan to be accepted by Mike or he’ll take her to court and she could lose MJ if she doesn’t leave Jackson. And of course her son comes first. Jackson smiles and agrees that he’ll pretend to be a football fan.

When Jackson comes back from his night out with Mike, the two of them seem to be in really good terms and Susan is very happy about it. To show her appreciation she takes Jackson in her bedroom and the two of them start to make out. Jackson nibbles Susan’s ear lobe and she loves the sensation but suddenly she makes him stop and demands to know how come he discovered her secret turn on the night he went out with her ex husband. Jackson reveals that Mike told him about that and Susan gets angry and forbids Jackson to ever see Mike again.

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