Desperate Housewives (2008)

Season 5 - episode 07

Aired: November 9th, 2008
Title: What more do I need?
Written by: Francesca
Edited by: Marcy
Screencaps: Marcy

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Jackson and Susan are having their second first date at a French restaurant. Susan informs Jackson that this time they need to do things in the right way and really get to know each other better… this means of course no sex until date number four. Jackson is not really thrilled about it but he accepts the new rule. Then Susan asks him to share something about himself that she doesn’t know already and Jackson tells her that he’s an artist, that he paints canvasses and went to Art school in Paris, but that he’s now painting her house because he’s been blocked for the past year.

During date number two, Susan is at Jackson’s apartment and keeps talking to him about everything she feels he needs to know about her. Jackson tries to seduce her with drinks, music and words but she tells him they’re going to have to wait until the fourth date. Jackson gets frustrated and tells her that he even cooked for her! Susan gets offended and storms out of his house. Left alone, Jackson goes into his studio to retrieve paint and a canvass and starts a new painting.

It’s date number three time, and Jackson is taking Susan back home after they went out together. Susan is a bit drunk and, when Jackson manages to remember one of the million things she told him about her childhood, she kisses him and tells him that it’s now “sex time”. It’s Jackson’s turn now to say no and, after kissing Susan on the forehead, he goes home to paint.

The day after, Jackson is in his apartment painting when there’s a knock on his door. It’s Susan, wearing a long coat. She gets inside, looses the coat and reveals that underneath she’s only wearing underwear. She declares that they’re now at date number four so they can finally have sex but Jackson says he still has something to do. Susan realizes that Jackson has paint on his hands and clothes and asks him if he’s painting again. He reveals that he is and she runs past him wanting to look at the picture. Jackson tries to stop her but she finally sees the half finished painting: it’s Susan, with a haunted look on her face. She then realizes that Jackson really knows her because he notices every little detail about her, and they kiss. In the end Susan gets naked and poses for Jackson so he can finish his painting quicker.

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