Desperate Housewives (2009)

Season 5 - episode 23

Aired: May 17th, 2009
Title: Everybody says don't
Written by: Francesca
Edited by: Marcy
Screencaps: Marcy

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Jackson calls Susan from an office in the police station where he’s detained; he tells her that they’re preparing all the documents to have him deported, the day after probably, and Susan is very sad about it. She tells him she will miss him a lot and he says he will too. Jackson also tells her that he believes Mike’s the one who called the cops on him and had him arrested. Susan can’t believe it. A policeman comes to interrupt their phone call and Jackson promises Susan he’ll try to call her again before he gets deported.

Later, the police goes to talk with Jackson about the night of the fire and he finally tells them everything: he was in the backstage that night, saw Dave there and then someone locked him in the bathroom. The policemen are very interested in what Jackson reveals but Jackson still defends Dave saying he’s the nicest man he ever met.

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