The secret circle (2011)

Season 1 - episode 12

Aired: January 19th 2012
Title: Witness
Written by: Alessandra
Translated by: Mattia Galliera
Edited by: Marcy

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Cassie realises that Melissa and her were saved by Jake from the fire. The guy explains them that he left to get the hunters away from Cassie and he is now back to warn her of the danger she is in: the Council is determined to get rid of her with the same ritual used by Eben to murder John Blackwell sixteen years earlier. The only way to protect the girl is to find out what ritual.

Charles orders Dawn to stop using his daughter to get to him. The circle is bound and they have two crystals to help them get their powers back, she says. Charles doesn't trust her and thinks she has an ulterior motive.

Jake confides to Cassie that he followed his parents on the night they died. He saw the fire, but somehow he may have repressed that painful memory. According to the guy, Cassie can help him remember by getting into his memories with her powers, just like he did with Faye. Adam thinks this is too much of a risk as the mind may disconnect from what's real and talks with Diana about it.

Dawn lies to Ethan: she tells him she was almost strangled by her partner during a row and that she wants to get rid of the crystal he used. The guy threatens Charles to tell the Elders about his crystal and how he took part in Henry's murder.

With a ritual Jake and Cassie manage to get on board of the ferry on the day of the fire; they can see the boy’s parents but he cannot follow them because of a big headache. From what they say Cassie understands that the previous generation's Circle was split: while Jake's father was ready to negotiate a truce with the Hunters, his partner did not trust them at all and felt closer to John Blackwell, Dawn and Charles; Jake's mother eventually changed her mind and was willing to stop using her magic to be safe again and come back to her children. Unfortunately Eben interrupts them and kills Jake's father. Lucy is the only survivor. F ollowing the two women, Cassie finds her father bound to a pole, which Ethan sets fire to. Apparently Lucy is the only one who can see the girl.

In the "real world", meanwhile, Jake has woken up; Adam and Diana catch up with him. Cassie experiences the effects of being suffocated because of the fire in her mind; using their powers, her three friends help her expand her lungs and get Jake to come back into her memories. This way he will be able to bring her back. Finally the guy sees her mother trapped by the fire, while Cassie sees her father using the medallion to control the fire and kill the Hunters.

At the Boathouse Charles is knocked senseless and has the crystal stolen by Ethan, who still thinks he's guilty of Henry's murder. Charles keeps saying he is innocent and that he was taken in by Dawn, who was only interested in the crystal; Ethan doesn't believe him...

Cassie finds the medallion in the wreck of the ferry. She asks Jake to help her find out if her father is still alive. In fact, in the coffin, they will find nothing but some animal bones.

Dawn tries to get Ethan to show her the crystal but the guy wants to keep it for himself and guards it with care personally.

Callum offers Faye the "Devil's Spirit" ...

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