The secret circle (2011)

Season 1 - episode 15

Aired: February 2nd 2012
Title: Return
Written by: Alessandra
Translated by: Mattia Galliera
Edited by: Marcy

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Cassie goes through two big changes in her life: the new job as a waitress at the Java Brew and her return home. She tells Diana that she wants to move out from Meade's place to stay with her grandmother, who's back from the clinic. Charles is really astonished by these changes and realises his daughter is growing up; at the same time he is happy for the good news about Jane.

Cassie finds Jake at her place. He's there because he's worried about her and is also suspicious. They find ashes mixed with salt all around the house and realise they were spread by the witch hunters in order to block the girl's powers.

Cassie confides to Adam that she had lied to Diana about Jane's return and tells him about the ashes. The guy decides to move in and stay with her to protect her.

John Blackwell turns up at Blake's to tell his daughter he's back because she is in danger. However, he doesn't want anybody to know he's still alive. When he hears a car coming, he leaves; before disappearing, he asks her to meet him later at the end of the boardwalk to continue their conversation. Cassie confides all to Adam saying she trusts her father, but her friend thinks he may have an ulterior motive for coming back.

Diana is worried about Melissa and gets Faye to attend Callum's party to find her. The two girls ask Lee to help them. Being among the people who follow the dark and wicked Voodoo Left Hand Path can be extremely dangerous.

John tells his daughter that he was forced to abandon her and his wife to protect them: anybody knowing he was alive would have chased him and hurt his family. He also wants the medallion back in order to prevent the spirits in it from coming after her. Cassie is upset as she now thinks he only wants to get the powerful object. She tries to drive away but gets narcotised and kidnapped by Eben.

Callum shows Melissa a totem which they can use to give discharges of their powers to one another. Once he feels the magic coming from her, Callum realises that she is a witch and persuades her to follow him in his room. Then, she finds her friends and tells Faye what happened. The totem, which looks like the one she got from Lee, doesn't give any power. It takes them off instead.

Jake negotiates with Eben on the boat where Cassie is being held captive; the hunters will accept to release her only if they get John Blackwell in return.

When she wakes up, Cassie is under a spell.

Ethan cannot believe what he sees: John is looking for her daughter at the Boathouse. The owner orders him to leave the city. When he gets out, Blackwell bumps into Jake who tells him he knows where to find the girl. They leave together. Adam has seen what happened and decides to ask for Diana's help.

Unexpectedly the hunters don't want Cassie's father anymore; they ask for Jake instead.

While father and daughter leave, the girl feels the need to hurt him with the branch of a tree and with fire but she cannot find any reason for this strange behaviour. John realises she's been spelled with Linden, a hypnotic root, to make her kill him; unfortunately, he cannot stop her as he doesn't have his magic anymore.

Just in the nick of time the guys manage to rescue Jake; they make Eben fly away and use their magic to pierce him with a branch. However, his corpse unaccountably disappears soon after that.

The guys eventually break the spell cast on Cassie by using the power of the Circle. Adam is no longer sure that saving Blackwell's life was a good idea, considering how much Ethan was terrified.

John tells his daughter that the elders' stripped her mother's generation of its powers after the fire and that he was also affected. To him, they should have done it even earlier as dark magic took away everything he cared about: Cassie and Amelia. Although the girl confides to her father that she has destroyed the medallion, he won't leave the city. In fact he thinks she is still in danger and he decides to find out who is working with Eben. A witch must have helped him cast the spell on the girl.

Lee doesn't want to do anything to hurt Faye and destroys the totem. While they kiss, Eva wakes up.

John talks to Jake: he is not angry with him for what he did. On the contrary, he thinks they should work together to keep Cassie safe.

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