Vanished (2006)

Season 1 - episode 02

Aired: August 28th 2006
Title: The tunnel
Written by: Sonia
Edited by: Marcy
Screencaps: Marcy

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Jeffrey makes a public plea, offering $2 million for information on Sara with a toll-free number. On the news broadcast, Max hears that his mother is a suspect. He sends an email to Jessica asking to see her.

In Gloucester, Massachusetts, Peter Manning calls the FBI’s number and informs the operator that he knew Sara twelve years ago as Nicky Johnson. The information is disseminated among thousands of other tips.

Kelton and Agent Kyle Tyner order surveillance footage from every camera in downtown Atlanta, which numbers over 8,000. Mei finds Max’s fingerprints in Jessica’s hotel room. The agents go to the Collins house and confront the boy in front of his father. Max claims that his mother was only recently trying to be a part of his life, but he has no idea where she is now.

Panicked, Marcy calls Max because she thinks her father is having her followed. He told the FBI that she and Sara had been fighting, but swears that he never revealed what the argument was about. Marcy explains that she cannot come home and hangs up. When Marcy gets back in her car, a man grabs her from behind and says, “How well do you know your boyfriend?” He takes the duffel full of money and leaves.

Max gets a reply email from Jessica. She doesn’t think it is a good time to meet up.

Kelton discovers that 9:29 is a biblical reference to Nathan the prophet. He thinks that the kidnapper knew about his past case with the boy named Nathan. The medical examiner is still defrosting the mayor’s wife. The body had been frozen in an industrial refrigerator. They have determined that the woman was alive for two months before she was murdered.

While working on his fishing boat, Peter has a flashback to twelve years ago when he first met Nicky/Sara on the dock. She was from out of town and was looking for work.

Former Mayor Curtis McNeal identifies his wife at the FBI. Kelton asks where he was the night of Sara Collins’s disappearance. McNeal tells him to ask Jeffrey Collins because he would know who took Sara. Kelton wonders if they would have kept McNeal’s wife alive for two months in order to get to him. “That’s how they control you,” McNeal says, but won’t explain who. He is shocked to hear that his wife was drowned and blames himself. McNeal urges Kelton to give Jeffrey a message. “He can fry in hell.”. McNeal kills himself in front of Kelton.

Kelton admits to Mei that he thinks McNeal was suffering from guilt. They killed his wife because of something he would not give up. Kelton is convinced that Jeffrey is also holding back from them. Judy approaches Kelton and plays a phone message from Sara to her parents, wanting to talk to them about Jeffrey. Judy is convinced there is something hidden in the Collins marriage.

Although Jeffrey doesn’t want to talk politics, he agrees to meet with his old law school friend Wallace Reiner, who is the nominee for Supreme Court Justice. Reiner wants to know why Jeffrey isn’t supporting his nomination. Jeffrey accuses him of sleeping with a teenage girl. He heard this from Sara.

Marcy goes to see Kelton and brings him a swatch from Ben’s sweatshirt. She wants to know if it is Sara’s blood. Marcy overhears that the blood doesn’t match Sara. She slips out from the FBI office.

Judy asks Sara’s mother where her daughter was when she was missing. Mrs. Jerome is insistent that the voicemail message be played on television so that the public will know that Jeffrey is connected to her kidnapping.

Kelton asks Jeffrey what he is hiding. Kelton wonders whether Jeffrey doesn’t want his own wife to be found.

Surveillance cameras show that Sara was tied up in the back of the car owned by the man who took her from the hotel. FBI tracking shows the car had stopped in a tunnel. The teams close off the tunnel and search all the internal ducts. They find Sara’s bloody fingerprints. They go in deeper, discovering a “9” painted on the wall. Suddenly, Kelton notices a flickering light and realizes it’s a bomb. It goes off. In the rubble, Kelton finds a Bluetooth headset. He radios that he is at manhole number 929. This is the same number that was on the prayer card.

Peter tries calling the FBI missing person hotline again but they do not respond to him. He decides that he needs to know what happened to Nicky and sets off for Atlanta.

Max goes to see his mother at the Augustin mansion. He doesn’t understand why the FBI is looking for her. Jessica tries to assure him that everything will be fine. “Mommy’s coming home,” she says.

Back at headquarters, Mei has learned that the Bluetooth is connected to Ben’s cell phone.

Marcy meets up with Ben in a park and asks him why he had a bloody sweatshirt. He claims that someone paid him to deliver the money but it had nothing to do with Sara. Marcy explains that a man broke into her car and took the money. She is not sure whether to trust Ben.

The refrigeration unit in the morgue has shut down and the body of the mayor’s wife decomposes. Her organs were liquefied. Kelton is convinced this wasn’t an accident.

The blood from Ben’s sweatshirt matches the man who took Sara from the hotel.

Peter comes to Judy Nash, claiming to have proof that Sara Collins isn’t who she says she is.

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