Un altro video è stato postato sul sito "T-Mobile Presents The Secret Circle Connections To Talk About" site. Il nuovo clip s’intitola "Behind The Magic - Casting A Spell".

Ancora una volta abbiamo avuto il permesso di ripostare il filmato così anche i fans Europei avranno la possibilità di vedero. Sappiamo che è in giro già da parecchi giorni.. ma abbiamo preferito attendere. smile

Fonte - Behind The Magic - Casting A Spell

Posted by Marcy

by Mathilda @ 29 Sep 2013 4:45 am

I agree. It's a great fit, and I wonder if ABC is pulilng our leg with their story of how it just happened to be there.Verbena Bay, , thought that the numbers might be the price of the spells in British pence, which sounds VERY plausible. This was the comment:It looks like the writing on Emmae28099s door is the cost/ price of spells in British pence. e2809cfoyer 192.19 (something) (in?)sertion 304.1 opening 265.7 door (something) 302.6 entrance cast a spell 1030 (something) fascinate 650.6 captivate (something) spellbinding cast a spell beguile (beguiling?) (something) transporte2809d etc . . . The prices get more expensive as the spells get more complicated. Cute door. Nice writing.Interesting. I bet that's it.
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