Ken Glassing ha postato un altro video dal film Rehab:

Potete scaricarli entrambi QUI video#1 e video#2

..e ho fatto qualche screencaps! Cliccate sull'immagine qui sotto per vedere l'intero album:

Many thanks to Lucia and Klaudia62!

Posted by Marcy

by Amna @ 16 Jan 2013 11:24 pm

Richard D</a>I don't think humour is an esntiesal component in good street photography. For me (as strictly a consumer of it..I suck at street photography) it is about capturing a moment showing the dynamics between people and between people and the built environment.Humour is good too, though and I enjoyed looking at Matt Stuart's work. 9 Nov ’10, 9:33 am
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