Louis Virtel ha posto alcune domande agli attori che hanno partecipato al "Hot 100 Party", ecco che cosa ha scritto su Gale:

"La persona omosessuale preferita di tutti i tempi per Gale Harold è Marlene Dietrich, ed il suo film preferito della Dietrich è The Blue Angel. Il mio è Witness for the Prosecution. Ovviamente abbiamo smesso di parlare."


Posted by Ale

by Peeya @ 05 Aug 2012 10:20 am

I just found your blog through Kurt Willems. I'm glad I saw this post I just went and boguht a Kindle version now, too. I look forward to reading some of what you talk about on your blog.
by Hasta @ 05 Aug 2012 3:31 am

I read this book a few months ago and loved it. I knew ltitle of Bonhoeffer, but was intrigued at the story of a theologian living through the beginning of Nazi-ism and WW2 in Germany. Metaxas is an excellent writer and the story is compelling. I kept asking myself, how would I respond as the church of my nation were co-opted into the horror of Nazi Germany. I have shared the book with friends of mine who have been riveted by the book as well. A must read.
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