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by: Felicity 08 Mar 2016 2:06 am

A few days ago Diane Sherlock entered the semifinals at the Nashville Film Festival for #TheGreenBench's script and today she's made the finals, as announced on the film's official Twitter and Facebook.
Click on the banner below for the complete list of the films which made the finals at the Festival.


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by: Felicity 07 Mar 2016 8:42 pm

The candidacy of #TheGreenBench has been submitted to the Edinburgh Short Film Festival , which will be held in Edinburgh from October 26th to November 6th, 2016. The news has been shared on the film's social media.
For more information click on the banner below.


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by: Felicity 06 Mar 2016 11:12 am

One more Festival accepted #TheGreenBench, with #GaleHarold in the role of Jack.
The short entered the Hong Kong Lift-Off Film Festival which will be held in January 2017.
Click on the banner below to have more information.


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by: Felicity 03 Mar 2016 1:38 am

Diane Sherlock, writer of #TheGreenBench, entered the semifinals at the Nashville Film Festival, which will be held in Nashville on April 14th-23rd. The news has been shared on the film's social media.
For more info click on the banner below.


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by: Marcy 02 Mar 2016 8:36 pm

Hello everyone!

We made some screencaps of the video: "Gale Harold happyness" posted by Jennifer Elster today!


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by: Felicity 02 Mar 2016 10:03 am

And finally #JenniferElster published what she referred to as "A moment of Gale Harold from the upcoming, original mini series IN MY MIRROR which I directed some time back."
She also added that the series will premiere on ChannelELSTER.com!

Thanks to Shannon for the heads up!


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by: Felicity 02 Mar 2016 9:44 am

As #JenniferElster announced on her social media, a project called "In my mirror" involving #GaleHarold will be released soon... very soon.
The project is part of a five parts mini series, called The Development Underground, featuring Gale Harold, Jorgen Leth and Jennifer Elster, and will be published every Wednesday.
Can't wait to see it!


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by: Marcy 01 Mar 2016 10:33 pm

Hello folks!

On Leo Howard's Moles' instagram there's a new picture, taken during Andron's premiere on February 24th!
Credits to: Geraldo Homes


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by: Marcy 29 Feb 2016 2:25 pm

Hello everyone!

Here we have some pictures taken by Danielle during the "Andron premiere" in Los Angeles on February 24th 2016! Thank you Danielle!!!!!!!


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by: Felicity 26 Feb 2016 1:17 pm

Andrea Iervolino, coproducer of Andron along with Monika Bacardi, posted on his website a set of new photos from Andron's premiere.


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