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by: Marcy 13 Oct 2015 3:58 pm

Hello everyone!

We’d like to thank Daniela for giving us the permission to share her wonderful report about the Gale Harold fanmeet, which took place in Bilbao on september 2015! Many many thanks to Francesca for translating it in English! You can read it HERE !


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by: Marcy 06 Oct 2015 10:50 pm

Many many thanks to Nicole who gave us the permission to share her pics taken on September 26th and on September 27th during the Fanmeet in Bilbao. And Thanks to Lavinia, for her pictures!


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by: Marcy 05 Oct 2015 1:55 pm

Hello everyone!

Many thanks to Sally, for giving us the permission to share other wonderful pictures of Gale taken during the Auction panel of September 27th! And many thanks to Sonia for her pictures taken during the panel of September 27th, and and Miren for sharing her pictures of the panel of September 26th and 27th!


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by: Ale 04 Oct 2015 10:14 pm

Hello everyone!

Many many thanks to Marcia who gave us the permission to share her pics taken on September 26th and on September 27th during the Fanmeet in Bilbao:


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by: Ale 02 Oct 2015 9:57 pm

We added to our gallery some wonderful pics taken by Sally on September 27th during the panel!

Many many thanks to Sally!!!


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by: Ale 02 Oct 2015 1:29 pm

Hello everyone!

Many many thanks to Jasone who gave us the permission to share her pics taken in Bilbao on September 26th during the panel, on September 27th during the auction panel, the panel and the closing ceremony:


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by: Ale 30 Sep 2015 12:42 am

We added to our gallery some new pics taken during the Fanmeet in Bilbao!!

Many many thanks to Betsy, Simona, Barbara, Monica, Lavy and Ersilia for giving us the permission to share their pics!!

The pictures were taken:

- on September 26th during the panel, the special panel and with Gale;

- on September 27th during the panel, the closing ceremony and with Gale:


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by: Felicity 29 Sep 2015 8:27 pm

We have some updates about Thirst in an email, sent to the project's backers through Kickstarter and signed by Rachel, Michael and Katie.

"Hello everyone,

On behalf of our team, we would like to apologize for the extreme delay in the delivery of our Kickstarter fulfillments. We have not forgotten about you and your generation contributions to help make this film possible. We are a very small team who have been jumping through professional and personal hurdles over the past several months but we have every intention of delivering to you what you were promised.

Some of you have asked about a download of the film and unfortunately, we can not provide that yet because our film has still not made it’s North American Premiere. We area also talking to several online platforms to find the right home for Thirst to live and for you to download (free of charge).

We know you have all been incredibly patient and we truly appreciate this. We’ve brought an intern to help us get these incentives moving forward and out the door and we will provide another update as soon as the shipments are being boxed up and shipped out.

In other news, our DP, Tobin Oldach, was honored last night at the Emerging Cinematographer’s Awards for his work on “Thirst.” We are very excited for him and our film. You can check out the honorees HERE
Thank you again for your patience and your support of independent films.

Best, Rachel, Michael, and Katie"


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by: Ale 29 Sep 2015 12:10 am

We added to our gallery some new pics taken during the Fanmeet in Bilbao!!

They were taken by Betsy (THANK YOU!!) during the panels on September 26th and on September 27th.

Many thanks also to Rangal who gave us the permission to share her pics with Gale:


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by: Marcy 28 Sep 2015 11:28 pm

We are here again!

We have another picture of Gale with the "Zarata Events'" staff! All official pictures were taken by Morante (photographer).


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