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by: Marcy 27 Sep 2015 1:08 am

And.... with this wonderful picture taken by Sally during the panel.. we can say Good night everyone! See you tomorrow!


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by: Ale 26 Sep 2015 11:56 pm

Many many thanks to Anita for giving us the permission to share her pics taken today during the panel of the Bilbao Fanmeet:


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by: Ale 26 Sep 2015 11:17 pm

We added some new pictures our gallery!!
They were taken today at the Bilbao Fanmeet during the opening session, the panel and the photo session!

Many many thanks to Rangal, Elly and Inga for giving us the permission to share their pics!!!!

Click on the images below to see the albums:


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by: Marcy 26 Sep 2015 10:31 pm

We'd like to thank Sally, for giving us the permission to share her wonderful pic of Gale taken today during the photo session of the Bilbao Fanmeet!!

Click on the image below to enlarge it!

And..other pictures taken during the "morning panel" and "special panel."


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by: Marcy 26 Sep 2015 5:29 pm

Thank you SO much to Margaux, for giving us the permission to share her wonderful pic with Gale taken today during the photo session of the Bilbao Fanmeet!!

Click on the image below to enlarge it!


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by: Ale 26 Sep 2015 2:42 pm

Many many thanks to Pam, Anita and Inga for giving us the permission to share their pics taken today during the panel of the Bilbao Fanmeet!!

Click on the image below to see the albums:


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by: Ale 26 Sep 2015 12:29 pm

Thank you to Anita who gave us the permission to share her beautiful pictures taken today during the Bilbao Fanmeet!!

Click on the image below to see the entire album:


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by: Ale 26 Sep 2015 11:30 am

THANK YOU to Monica, Betsy, Marcia, Elly and Inga for giving us the permission to share their pics taken during the opening ceremony of the Bilbao Fanmeet!!

Click on the image below to see the albums:


Pictures icon
by: Ale 26 Sep 2015 10:44 am

Hello everyone,

a huge THANK YOU to Pam who sand us her pictures taken a few minutes ago during the opening ceremony of the Bilbao Fanmeet!!

Click on the image below to see the entire album:

And a huge THANK YOU also to Sally for giving us the permission to share her pic:


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by: Marcy 24 Sep 2015 2:01 pm

Hello everyone!

We are here again with another festival!

The movie "Kiss Me Kill Me" will be screened on Friday October 2nd 2015 during the “The TampaBay International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival ,” that will take place in St Petersburg (Florida).

Click HERE for more info!


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