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by: Staff 15 Jul 2019 9:30 am

Hello everyone,

we'd like to remind you to donate to the fundraising in honor of Gale's birthday!

We chose again to raise funds for Kick4Life because Gale took part in the NYFEST in 2014 and also because he confirmed he really likes the organization, talking to a fan in 2016.

In that occasion he was really surprised about the amount of money us (all of his fans!!) raised and he appreciated the initiative... so we really hope to surprise him again and, above all, to give a contribution for all the projects Kick4Life has in Africa!

Donate what you can and spread the word so more people will know about the fundraising... this is also an important contribution!

The fundraising will end on July 31st 2019! Please share and advertize as much as possible!!! Thank you!

To donate click on the image below:


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by: Staff 12 Jul 2019 9:30 am

Hello everyone,

we'd like to remind you to donate to the fundraising in honor of Gale's birthday!

We chose again to raise funds for Kick4Life because Gale took part in the NYFEST in 2014 and also because he confirmed he really likes the organization, talking to a fan in 2016.

In that occasion he was really surprised about the amount of money us (all of his fans!!) raised and he appreciated the initiative... so we really hope to surprise him again and, above all, to give a contribution for all the projects Kick4Life has in Africa!

Donate what you can and spread the word so more people will know about the fundraising... this is also an important contribution!

The fundraising will end on July 31st 2019! Please share and advertize as much as possible!!! Thank you!

To donate click on the image below:


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by: Staff 10 Jul 2019 3:41 am

Here we are wishing a very happy birthday to our Gale, who’s turning 50 today!
Once again we decided to give him a special present, a gift to a well known charity: Kick4life and we sincerely hope that Gale will appreciate this gesture.

Unfortunately, so far we didn’t reach the goal we had set, but you can still donate until July 31st!
Feel free to contact us if you have any problem during the donation procedure.

And now… BEST WISHES to Gale, from all of his fans… from all over the world, of course also the ones who didn’t donate! We hope he can spend a wonderful day with the people he loves! Best wishes from ALL the people who follow Gale’s career and appreciate him as an actor as well as a person!

For more donations click on the image below:


Site Update icon
by: Staff 07 Jul 2019 9:10 am

Hello everyone,

we'd like to remind you to donate to the fundraising in honor of Gale's birthday!

We chose again to raise funds for Kick4Life because Gale took part in the NYFEST in 2014 and also because he confirmed he really likes the organization, talking to a fan in 2016.

In that occasion he was really surprised about the amount of money us (all of his fans!!) raised and he appreciated the initiative... so we really hope to surprise him again and, above all, to give a contribution for all the projects Kick4Life has in Africa!

Donate what you can and spread the word so more people will know about the fundraising... this is also an important contribution!

The fundraising will end on July 31st 2019! Please share and advertize as much as possible!!! Thank you!

To donate click on the image below:


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by: Felicity 03 Jul 2019 7:36 pm

A short film titled "What matters most" is listed on the website of Missing In Action Films, an independent film production company founded by Mia Bays and based in London. The short has been written by Simone Glover from an idea of Gale Harold, Mia Bays and Simone Glover, and has been produced by Mia Bays and Gale Harold.
The story takes place in three different cities in Georgia in 1949 and revolves around the lives of two men, who are reminded of what's really important in life.
The film's tagline is “What matters most is that we loved at all.”

For more info click HERE


Pictures icon
by: Marcy 02 Jul 2019 2:11 pm

Hi everyone!

We added to our gallery a new picture of Gale taken on June 22nd, during the Young Playwrights Festival at the YPF POP-UP PLAYHOUSE in Hollywood!

It was posted on Instagram.


Pictures icon
by: Felicity 02 Jul 2019 1:35 am

While waiting to celebrate his 50th birthday, Gale Harold had a photography session with Eric Gabriel, a professional photographer who posted on his Instagram a few great black&white photos of Gale.

Credits and thanks to Eric Gabriel


Site Update icon
by: Staff 27 Jun 2019 4:00 pm

Hi guys!

This year again we decided to organize a fundraiser to celebrate Gale's birthday, especially because this is an important milestone: 50 years!

And once again we chose Kick4life!

All transactions will be handled by crowdrise.com, an organization which takes care of this kind of things, therefore all your donations will be completely safe.

Crowdrise will transfer whatever amount of money raised through this fundraiser directly to Kick4life, a registered charity, created by Steve and Pete Fleming, which uses the unique power of the sport to fight poverty and diseases in developing countries, and was a partner at the NYFEST, an event that Gale attended on April 19th, 2014.

The fundraising will end on July 31st 2019! Please share and advertize as much as possible!!! Thank you!

To donate some more click on the image below:

For more info about Kick4Life click HERE


Pictures icon
by: Ale 23 Jun 2019 10:15 am

We added to our gallery a new picture of Gale taken yesterday, June 22nd, during the Young Playwrights Festival at the YPF POP-UP PLAYHOUSE in Hollywood:

It was posted on Instagram.

You can also see Gale in Adoptable on a video posted on Instagram, click HERE.


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by: Felicity 20 Jun 2019 11:40 am

The Blank Theatre is hosting the Young Playwrights Festival 2019 at the YPF POP-UP PLAYHOUSE in Hollywood from June 6th to June 30th.
On Saturday June 22nd Gale will attend the festival as a guest.

For more information and tickets click HERE and HERE


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