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by: Marcy 14 Sep 2018 7:46 am

Hello folks!

Thank you to Sally, Lauren Nesrinh and Altitudefilmuk for giving us the permission to post their pictures taken yesterday during the the Q&A session for the special screening of "The Rider."


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by: Marcy 13 Sep 2018 10:40 pm

We added one more picture... enjoy!!


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by: Marcy 13 Sep 2018 9:36 pm

Hello everyone!

We have a new picture of Gale taken today in London during the Q&A session for the special screening of "The Rider."
You can see him with his friend Mia Bays!

For more info click HERE


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by: Felicity 07 Sep 2018 2:25 pm

On September 13th, 2018 Gale Harold will be in London to attend a session of Q&A, following the special preview screening of "The Rider" at the Picturehouses Central.
This film tells the story of a rodeo circuit star who is involved in a tragic accident and has to cope with the neurological and physical consequences from the accident.
The Q&A event will be hosted by Bird's Eye View as part of their Reclaim the Frame initiative. Gale has been invited as a neuro-injury survivor and will probably talk about the accident he had back in October 2008.
For more info and tickets click HERE

A second event is scheduled on September 18th at the Genesis Cinema in London, but so far we don't know if Gale will be attending the Q&A following the screening.
For info click HERE


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by: Staff 27 Aug 2018 1:33 pm

Hello everyone!

We are here to announce that the fundraiser for Gale's birthday is now closed.

A huge THANK YOU to all the people who made a donation: Suth Erika, Julia Lakishyk, Anonymous, Kari Lucas, Dian Kilborn, Inga, Ale, Marcy, Felicity and Sabina Nelson!

We'd also like to thank all the people involved in this project: anyone who help us spread the word and our staff!!


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by: Ale 27 Aug 2018 12:07 am

Hello everyone,

a few extra passes for the Creative Weekend with Gale in London are now available!!

Mia Bays announced it on her Twitter:


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by: Staff 11 Aug 2018 11:33 am

Hello everyone,
we are here to remind you the fundraising in honor of Gale's birthday!

We didn't reach our goal yet, so we decided to keep the fundraising open until August 20th... you have just a few days left to give your contribution for all the projects Kick4Life has in Africa!!!

We'd like to thank again from the bottom of our hearts to everyone who already gave their contribution to this fundraising: Suth Erika, Julia Lakishyk, Anonymous, Kari Lucas, Dian Kilborn, Inga, Ale, Marcy, Felicity and Sabina Nelson!

Please help us reach our goal: donate what you can and spread the word so more people will know about the fundraising...and this is also an important contribution!

To Donate click on the image below:


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by: Staff 16 Jul 2018 10:32 pm

Hello everyone,

we'd like to remind you to donate to the fundraising in honor of Gale's birthday!

We chose again to raise funds for Kick4Life because Gale took part in the NYFEST in 2014 and also because he confirmed he really likes the organization, talking to a fan in 2016.

In that occasion he was really surprised about the amount of money us (all of his fans!!) raised and he appreciated the initiative... so we really hope to surprise him again and, above all, to give a contribution for all the projects Kick4Life has in Africa!

Donate what you can and spread the word so more people will know about the fundraising...and this is also an important contribution!

To donate click on the image below:


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by: Staff 10 Jul 2018 9:00 am

Hello everyone!

Here we are, once more, to wish Gale a wonderful birthday!

To celebrate his 49th birthday we decided, as you know, to give him as a gift a fundraising benefitting Kick4life, an organization which we are very fond of!

So, if you would like to donate any money, the fundraising is open, as we already told you, until August 10th 2018!

We hope that Gale will appreciate this special gift, even though he's rather "silent"!

… Best wishes Gale! We hope that he'll be back soon, because we really miss him! It was great seing him lately, both with the Queer as Folk reunion and his latest short "The Betrothed"! We want to see more of him!!

Best wishes from all of us and from all his worldwide fans! We hope he can spend his special day with people he loves!

Best wishes from all the people who follow him and appreciate him as an actor and as a person.

A special and heartfelt thanks to Pete Fleming, founder of Kick4life, for his huge support!

And now we'd like to acknowledge all the people involved in this project:
Thank you so much to our staff!
And thank you from the bottom of our hearts to:
Suth Erika, Julia Lakishyk, Anonymous, Kari Lucas, Dian Kilborn and Inga!

To donate click on the image below:


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by: Staff 08 Jul 2018 7:31 am

Hello everyone!

We are here to remind you the fundraising for Kick4Life in honor of Gale's birthday!

Whether you can donate a small sum or a big one, know that your contribution will be precious for all the projects KickLlife has in Africa!
Donate what you can and spread the word so more people will know about the fundraising...and this is also an important contribution!

To Donate click on the image below:


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