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by: Staff 05 Jul 2018 11:46 pm

Hello people!
Thanks to some fans' request, we decided to bring back the fundraising in honor of Gale's birthday!

And once again we chose Kick4life!

All transactions will be handled by crowdrise.com, an organization which takes care of this kind of things, therefore all your donations will be completely safe.

Crowdrise will transfer whatever amount of money raised through this fundraiser directly to Kick4life, a registered charity, created by Steve and Pete Fleming, which uses the unique power of the sport to fight poverty and diseases in developing countries, and was a partner at the NYFEST, an event that Gale attended on April 19th, 2014.

The fundraising will end on August 10th 2018!
Please share and advertize as much as possible!!! Thank you!

To donate some more click on the image below:

For more info about Kick4Life click HERE


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by: Marcy 26 Jun 2018 11:22 pm

Hello everyone!

We made some screencaps from "The Betrothed" trailer!


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by: Felicity 26 Jun 2018 9:36 pm

A few months ago Fay Ann Lee posted a picture taken at the Dungeon Beach Studios in Williamsburg while working on the editing of her last project titled The Betrothed, a short horror featuring Gale in the role of Eric.
Three days ago she posted the trailer on her Vimeo channel!

The Betrothed Trailer from Fay Ann Lee on Vimeo.


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by: Marcy 12 Jun 2018 9:43 pm

Hello folks!

Do you remember?
From September 21st to 23rd Gale will be in London for an event organized by Mia Bays!!
Mia has posted on her website a few words about this "project":


Idea by Gale Harold, Mia Bays and Simone Glover

Written by Simone Glover. Produced by Gale Harold and Mia Bays

A short story set in post-war Lambeth, London and Sparta, Georgia (USA), 1949. This is a story of two men broken by war, united by a motherless child, and reminded anew of what matters most.

“What matters most is that we loved at all.”


Pictures icon
by: Ale 19 May 2018 8:43 pm

Hello everyone,

we have a new picture of Gale!!

It was posted on Instagram by Scott Campbell and it was taken when they went to see "Summer and Smoke" in New York.


Site Update icon
by: Staff 22 Apr 2018 10:52 pm

Good news!

We finally have our Instagram account!
As you probably know, this website is already connected to a Facebook page and a Twitter account. Now we also have an Instagram account which, for practical reasons, will be connected to all of our websites: www.queer-as-folk.it, www.gale-harold.it and www.randy-harrison.it.
Follow us on every_nine_seconds


Pictures icon
by: Felicity 04 Apr 2018 9:48 am

Good news for Gale's fans!

Fay Ann Lee is at the Dungeon Beach Studios in Williamsburg working on the editing of her last project titled "The Betrothed". The short is a horror casting Gale Harold, Dave Shalansky, Erika Thormahlen, Mickaela Tombrock and Zoe Anastassiou.
We have a photo of Fay with Jeff Sousa working on the color correction of the film and there's a frame of Gale!!!
Thank you Fay for sharing!


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by: Marcy 02 Apr 2018 7:16 pm

Hello folks!

We have a new picture of Gale taken yesterday at Pappy & Harriet's! He's amazing!


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by: Felicity 01 Apr 2018 12:06 pm

Yesterday Gale was at Pappy & Harriet's, near Joshua Tree, for some friends' wedding.
We have a couple of photos shared by Jessie Cohen on her Instagram .


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by: Marcy 29 Mar 2018 4:04 pm

Hello everyone!

We have new/old pictures of Gale taken in 2010 at the Theatre Theater (LA) during his performance in the Orpheus descending! Thanks to our Russians friends!

Source: brandonbaruch.com


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