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by: Felicity 29 Sep 2016 5:54 pm

One day ago David Bender, writer and director of the documentary film Playing Gay: How America Came Out on Television, uploaded a video interview with Gale Harold on his Vimeo channel.
A month ago we had already talked ( HERE ) about this amazing documentary which covers the importance and the impact that television LGBT characters had on the real world.
In this recent long and very interesting interview Gale answers David Bender's questions about different topics: his growing up in a South Pentecostal family, his siblings, what kind of shows he was watching while growing up, his moving to San Francisco to attend a photography school, what kind of music he was listening to and which kind of clubs he was going to, the homosexual community and the impact AIDS had in the Bay Area's society, his decision to start acting mostly due to his moving to Los Angeles.

INTV_Gale Harold from Out Of The Box on Vimeo.

Thanks to Hela for the heads up!


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